Trap Rental Program
Wildlife Trap Rental Made Easy
Our trap rental program allows homeowners to lease a trap from us to perform live catch of the offending animal. This is often cheaper than a full removal service. Once the trap has been leased, the owner will be required to perform trap inspections as required by state law. This is usually performed every 24-36 hours. Under the trap rental program Willies Wildlife is not responsible for trap checks or legal issues arising from misuse of the trap.
Once an animal has been caught you may request that we pick it up for you. In that event there will be a service charge of $25-$50 depending on distance and if the animal should need to be euthanized or not.
Trap rental costs vary and range from $5.00 per day for our smallest squirrel traps to $15.00 per day for our large canine traps. When renting there will be a capture (not charge) for the full trap price. This capture is then released once the trap is returned. If the trap is not returned then the full price for the trap minus any charges already paid will be charged to the account.
Trap rental requires that you sign a lease agreement which a technician will have on hand at the time of the lease. For more information on our trap rentals please contact us either by form or give us a call at 865-730-0715
Rental Prices